Producer Funding Opportunities!
NEED ASSISTANCE NAVIGATING THROUGH THE NEW GRANTS? Have a project in mind that you would like to do for your operation? If you want to take advantage of funding but don’t like the paperwork? We have staff members in the CARA office that are here to help you navigate through the new programs. Give the office a call at 403-664-3777. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Programs include:
- Efficient Grain Handling (Funding List)
- Water Supply Program (Funding List)
- Farm Technology (Funding List)
- Resilient Agricultural Land Program (Funding List)
- On Farm Value Added Program (Funding List)
Cost-Share and Maximum Funding: Dependent on program
Accepting Applications as of April 3rd, 2023
On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF)
The Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) investments in producer-led, results-driven agriculture research to power the competitiveness, profitability, productivity and sustainability of agriculture in Alberta. RDAR funds research and extension projects of individual producers, applied research associations and forage organizations, and post-secondaries.
RDAR is a delivery agent of the On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF), a federal program that provides financial support to producers to accelerate their adoption and implementation of on-farm Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) to lower Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, support production efficiency, sustainability and resiliency on their farm operations. OFCAF reimburses the producer 85% of their project cost to a maximum of $75 000 per producer per the OFCAF term (2022, 2023, 2024).
Producers can apply for projects under 3 main categories:
- Nitrogen Management – cost difference of using ESN where urea has been the standard practice, custom applications or rental equipment to side band N when broadcasting was the standard application practice, manure spreading, dual N-loss inhibitor products, converting cropland to a hay/pasture stand with a minimum of 50% legumes in the seed blend, soil testing, etc.
- Cover Cropping – full season, under-seeded, or post-harvest cover crop seed and custom seeding costs in which the cover crop and species selected will provide a living root up until freeze-up, improves soil health, decreases erosion, and provides forage or grazing if a minimum of 6″ of stubble will be maintained going into the winter.
- Rotational Grazing – implementation of temporary or permanent cross-fences to increase the amount of rotational grazing possible, water systems that are apart of a new rotational grazing project, and adding legume seed to existing stands.
Applications for Term 3 opened March 1 2024. It is encouraged to submit an application as soon as possible through the ARGO system with the corresponding BMP Template that outlines the project costs which has been approved by a Professional Agrologist (PAg) or Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) and an aerial map of the project area.
CFGA strongly focuses on forages and grasslands across Canada as a national organization. We have been working with the leading researchers, educators and other active stakeholder groups in this sector. Rotational grazing has many functions for both the environment and the family farm. This program is centered on increasing the total acres under a rotational grazing system.
CARA staff try hard to update this list as soon as announcements are made, however for the most up to date information be sure you visit & SUBSCRIBE to their announcements.
Marginal Areas Program
DU provides a financial incentive to seed those hard-to-access/poorly producing areas to perennial forages. Producers can apply to receive $150/acre of land that qualifies.
Forage Program
Receive a discount on every bag of forage seed when you convert cultivated land to hay or pastureland. DU will provide agronomic support for establishing forage and maintaining ecological benefits.
Winter Wheat Extension
“The Western Winter Wheat Initiative is a collaboration between Bayer CropScience, Ducks Unlimited Canada, the Mosaic Company Foundation and Richardson International Limited. Its purpose is to build awareness and credibility of winter wheat as a highly productive crop option for western Canadian farmers.”