Ag Podcasts
2025 Winter Webinar Series: Coyotes & Gophers and Boars! Oh My!
Register for the remaining webinars (March 10, 17, 24):
Webinar 1: “Ungulates: Minimizing Damage to Livestock Feed” with Mark Heckbert (March 3, 2025)
Webinar 2: “Badgers in Your Backyard & Updated Gopher Control Strategies” with Nikki Heim and Dr. James Tansey (March 10, 2025)
Fall Tree Care Webinar with Toso Bozic
Kochia Control “Lunch’n’Learn” Series
Webinar 1: Ag Fieldman Jesse Williams and Deanna Heather, “Why Now? The Story Behind Kochia’s Proliferation & the Challenges Facing Producers & Municipalities” (March 5 2024)
Webinar 2: Jason Lindgreen, “Managing Kochia from Fenceline to Fenceline and Everywhere in Between” (March 12 2024)
Webinar 3: Adriane Good, “Kochia as Feed: Tips, Tricks, and What it May Mean to Your Operation in the Future” (March 19 2024)
2024 Spring Crop Planning Webinars
Dr. Rigas Karamanos, “Nitrogen Fertilizer Options and Efficacy in the Brown Soil Zone” (March 7, 2024)
Neil Blue, “Crop Markets…What’s Happening?” (March 13, 2024)
Ground Squirrel Control Webinar Series
Webinar 1: Dr. James Tansey, “An evaluation of some alternatives to strychnine” (April 6 2023)
Webinar 2: Brad Downey, “Benefits of natural control agents, hawk pole design/use, & encouraging birds of prey to nest” (April 13, 2023)
Webinar 3: Andrea Sawatzky, “What happened to strychnine?” (April 20, 2023)
Making it through a Feed & Water Shortage with Barry Yaremcio & Joe Harrington
Soil Health Using CoverCrops with Kevin Elmy
Improving your resilience to flood, drought and decrease reliance on high inputs for profitable operations. Featuring Kevin Elmy
Water Treatment System Webinar
Concerned about your drinking water? Is your rural water treatment system effective and addressing your water quality issues? Not all systems are designed to deal with your specific water quality issues. Having the right system will ensure better drinking water for you and your family.
Crop Market Outlook
Crop Market Outlook from Neil Blue, Alberta Agriculture Provincial Crop Market Analyst.
July 23, 2020
For any questions or for more information please email Neil at
Riparian 101 and Riparian Health Assessments
Webinar two of five for the 2020 Southern Alberta Grazing School for Women and Alberta Range Stewardship Course
Grazing Principles and Practices
Webinar one of five for the 2020 Southern Alberta Grazing School for Women and Alberta Range Stewardship Course
RealAg LIVE – with Drew Lerner of World Weather Inc.
Shaun Haney and Drew Lerner discuss weather forecasts across Canada.
RealAg LIVE – with Tom Wolf of Sprayers 101
Shaun Haney and Tom Wolf of Sprayers 101 discuss all things sprayer related and answer your questions.
RealAg LIVE – with Anne Wasko of the Gateway Livestock Exchange on the cattle markets
Shaun Haney and Anne Wasko discuss all things beef in this live Q and A.
Pasture & Hay Rejuvenation Webinar Featuring Grant Lastiwka
Join FFGA, Grant Lastiwka and Union Forage as they explore pasture rejuvenation.
Wheat School: Evaluating Seedling vigour & more at stand establishment
Jeremy Boychyn with Alberta Wheat Commission explains why having that strong plant stand right off the bat is super critical to the development — and even final maturity — of the wheat crop
Pest & Predators Podcast: Do you know your Field Heroes?
Jennifer Otani, pest management biologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)— Beaverlodge, joins host Shaun Haney in the very first episode of RealAgriculture’s Pest & Predators podcast, to talk about beneficial insects — whether they are pollinators, predators, or parasitoids — and how their complex life cycles can control some of the most wide-spread economic pests.
Mind Your Farm Business: Farming Safe during Covid-19
What happens if you, someone else on the farm, or one of your employees gets sick or must self-isolate during the spring planting or calving season? A great discussion with Jennifer Wright, senior HR advisor and stakeholder engagement specialist with the Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council.
Cashing in on a Slough of Benefits
Ducks Unlimited resources and programs help restore and protect Canada’s land and water, and can become an integral part of a landowner’s long-term management plan.
For more information on DU’s Programs CLICK HERE
Getting your Grazing Season Started on the Right Foot
Things to consider & developing your Grazing Plan FEATURING: Jim Gerrish & Colin Feilen
Navigating Alberta Farm Grants
This 50-minute webinar was given as an overview to producers to learn about the current funding available from Katherine Rogers, CAP Extension Coordinator with Alberta Agriculture & Forestry.
For any additional questions or questions about grants you are welcome to contact Olivia with CARA at
Social Media & Agriculture
While #AgTwitter & Facebook may be a crowded place, there’s always room for new perspectives and ideas. Learn how to share your unique experience and expertise in a way that is authentic and provides value to your audience.
General Grazing Strategies
Grazing management strategies range from turning the cows out in a pasture May 1 and gathering them up in September to moving the herd on a daily basis. While the latter example may sound time-consuming, the production benefits could prove to be very economical. This webinar outlines
the various grazing strategies to help producers determine the system that works best for them.