2020 Producer Survey

CARA’s Vision: 

The Chinook Applied Research Association is driven by farmers and ranchers in the Special Areas and MD of Acadia of east central Alberta to bring innovative and profitable practices to the local agricultural industry.  Our program of applied research, demonstration and extension projects provides a link in the transfer of knowledge and technology between research and the producer. Producers, industry, government and others can access reliable data on crop, livestock, soil and water projects that is relevant to the area and its soil and climatic conditions.  CARA is a non-profit society working in, registered as a charity with Revenue Canada.

Planning for the Future

CARA has been conducting applied research, demonstration and extension projects within the Special Areas and MD of Acadia since 1979.  As we move forward, it is time to take a closer look at the needs of our local producers.  We need your help in determining local agricultural needs so that we can fine-tune our program to better meet them. Can you help us by filling out this survey?  By giving us your opinion, you will help the CARA Staff and Directors develop a sound plan for the future.

Thank you very much!

Your personal information will not be disclosed in the survey report. Information will be aggregated by the municipality, commodity and farm type.


This survey takes anywhere from 15 – 30 minutes depending on your operation.

If you prefer a paper copy of the survey, please call the CARA office at 403-664-3777 or email cara-3@telus.net

Congratulations to Blake Proudfoot of Cereal who has won the $500 local business gift certificate for completing our Producer Survey! Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to participate in the survey. You can still take part although you won’t be eligible for the prize draw. Your input is valuable to our program.